Oh Those Odes

Ode to the Burp we Slurp

I “created” this as a dare during a dinner with my daughter and her slightly mental best friend.  As I get along better with the slightly mental best friend (now named SMBF), I dont know what that says about myself….or my daughter….anyway, after an almost-fall-off-my-seat gustatory explosion, I was dared to write an Ode within […]

Ode to the Middle Aged Size of my Thighs

There is a body part I do not prize and that is the lumpy size of my thighs! For while getting older makes one wise, it spreads the body to an ever larger size. My thighs always won the humor prize, with varicose veins as fat as French fries. And no matter how many stairsteps […]

Ode to the Gas We Pass

Gas, in all forms, take up much of our time from natural gas to heat our homes to gasoline to fuel our cars to gas we produce as a bodily function.  Our world as we know it would collapse without gas.  Our intestinal health would collapse without gas.  Yet gas continues to have a bad […]

Ode to Saggy Baggy Pants

I wrote this because, like any middle aged person, I have forgotten what it is like to be young and a slave to your hormones.  And dress is your outer skin to the world.  Men want women, women want money, so the strange fashions continue so that this never ending cycle will produce the next […]

Ode to the Nose that Flows

It is allergy season in my house. I listen with delight at the orchestral sneezing, coughing, whining and wheezing,  tailored for my maximum irritation.  A portion of my ever lessening paycheck goes to remedies, medication, quackery and tissues.  Any attempt by me to open the windows is met with horror, and I am threatened with dire […]