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Is an occult event planned on December 21, 2021?

12/11/21 is one of the premier dates in occult circles. For the past month, posts and predictive programming have stated that 12/11 and 12/21 were going to have events.

Lets look at 12/11/21. What happened on this date?

An unseasonable and massive tornadic storm . We know that this was probably one of the events due to the deaths reported. Generally, when events are of occult origin, the numbers reported are occult (IE: the man was shot 11 times, 6 people are dead etc)
Current reports are 6 people dead in an Amazon center, 6 people are dead in Arkansas and Illinois, and 70 are dead in a candle factory. 6 and 70 are numbers significant in Jewish gematria/Q’balah and occult circles. It does not matter the final count, what matters is the initial count and the occult significance of the date. This indicates a larger plan. I am praying that this tragedy has halted plans of our enemy. I am praying for communities to come together, for repentance, for the Holy Spirit to pour out faith and grace on these areas.

So 12/21/21– what’s the deal with this date?

12/21/21 is a “Mirror date”. Mirror dates are considered powerful aides to spellcraft by occult circles. (Mirror dates read the same back and front.) I am not into the occult, so I dont know if, or how, this works outside of their belief. But they believe it, and act on it.

Breaking down the numbers: 12=1+2 (3) 21=1+2 (3) 21=2+1 (3) we have the “trinity of (3) threes. You better believe Satan has his own trinity! We also have the “trinity” sum of 3+3+3=9, another significant occult number. In every way, this suggests “plans”.

Lets look at the historical significance of 12/21/21. This is a significant period without the mirror year. Last year there was a significant celestial alignment on 12/21 suggesting a new king or system was rising. Was this a one year warning? Traditionally, the shortest week of the year was celebrated from around 12/17 to 12/24 as Saturnalia/Yule, a festival to the dark planet Saturn, an avatar of Satan, and Pan-themed revelries . This feast culminates in a human sacrifical night on 12/21 then the birthday of a dying and resurrected god at “christmas” on 12/25. From ancient times, this date was supposedly the birthday of these gods, and birthdays are a powerful pagan construct that tie one to a “Star sign”. Our modern “christmas” was formally called other names, celebrated in far ancient times by a decorated resurrection tree (for the dying and resurrecting god) and gifts. A terrible false “restoration of all things” occurred when Constantine forced an unholy marriage of the pagan with the Christian. Both the physical, spiritual and intellectual planes darkened after this event. Yes, Satan copies EVERYTHING and has his own feasts! And we celebrate most of them! To our shame, Yehovah’s Feasts were stopped by compromising Christians in the early centuries after Yeshua’s death. But our eternal Lord will bring them back, including Sabbath!

So what could be happening on 12/21? Most sites talk about a great earthquake but I QUESTION another event. There certainly could be more than one worldwide event if the Church of Philadelphia is raptured. (Sorry, Laodicia, you will remain to be tried and tested.) 12/21/21 is 93 days from the start of La Palma eruption on 9/19/21 (yes, occult significance). 12/21/21 may be a tsunami event. This possibility has been ruthlessly squelched by the media, but there is enough concern from scientists and military personel that a picture of unease is definitely imprinted on the web.

93 days=9+3=12 an occult number divisible by 2 and 6 and 3 and 4; it is divisible by 3 into 31=3+1=4. Four is the Chinese number for DEATH. 93 is also the number for the Witch Greeting. A number of predictive programming events indicate an event with La Palma as the topic. Of course, the Simpsons flashed a map of La Palma (9/21/97 air date) with the northwestern flank missing; the game Secret Files has La Palma as a story line; the short film I, Pet Goat 2 (2012 short film). The above suggests that China (4=Chinese death) is ultimately the culprit (or patsy) behind unaccountable grid-like quakes on this island that started the reign of terror, with the goal of crippling the USA so they can invade Taiwan without contest. A number of military experts have stated (at personal risk) there will be no warning to the East Coast as they cannot get millions out of the East Coast in time. Check La Palma daily.

What is our response? If you agree that something smells fishy, like the Pope’s (Dagon’s) hat, then you need to target these plans by storming the gates of Heaven with intercessory prayer. We don’t know the plans are, and I have no idea if La Palma is included outside of the occult code, but exactly what it is doesn’t matter, for our Heavenly Father knows all. Ask Jesus/Yeshua for intercession, to shut down all the plans of the enemy if it is in His will. Fast and pray, get your churches together. Christians have power through prayer and access to Yahovah’s Throne. And for the Lord’s sake stop celebrating “christmas” and search out the truth for yourself. “Grace” does not include celebrating the occult. Flee from these evils. PREACH REPENTANCE and release from BONDAGE! Our abominations are high as heaven.

I'm interested in your thoughts and ideas!