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Indictment against America: Wastefulness

While the misdirected whine about gas emissions and climate change, which has destroyed civilizations almost exactly every 500 hundred years since recorded history, we selectively ignore the underlying sin of wastefulness…except where it suits us.

The terrible wastefulness in our stores. Did you know any grocery food, including dog food, must be discarded if the packaging is not intact? So if a grocery store stocker accidentally puts a hole in a dog food bag it is discarded. My son, who works as a stocker in a grocery store, is appalled at the waste generated each day. These food items could be sold cheaply or given away verses discarded into our landfills. Restaurants are the same. As I see very few wet canned food in stores for pets, I wonder when we will wake up and work to preserve and not destroy.

I am disgusted with TV home improvement shows. “Flippers” and homeowners who purposefully destroy perfectly good wood and cabinets and countertops simply because they don’t like the aesthetic. It is disgusting and evil. These items could be salvaged if they took a moment to do that. Many of these rooms and items are perfectly fine and could be saved with some repair, sanding and paint. Even the ones that have issues could have much of the wood re-planed or salvaged. Of course, some have a token item that they “re-make” into a piece of furniture for the glorification of the show, but one item does not absolve them of their sins. For our entertainment, they destroy usable items on their demolition days.

From my own building woes, I know the terrible waste generated, waste that no one sorts out to find the usable. We see piles of it on our property. So many good nails, wood, buckets and other “rubbish”.

In Victorian times, almost everything was recycled. There was the “rag man” and the “bone man” who came to pick up scraps from houses. They were masterful at reusing and recycling. Consumption MUST be balanced with waste, for discarding items and damaging our wildlife and our water supply is as sin against our very stewardship assigned to us by El Shaddai, our Creator. Our consciences were dulled for a while with the blue “recycling” bins….until investigators “outted” what really happened to this stuff.

Selling it to other countries to bury? Sounds like the American dream.

Money on the throne writes a constitution engraved on deeds of depravity

Our wastefulness knows no end. From buying cheap goods to have a closet full of clothes, to cutting corners on product manufacturing to silly practices created by a litigious society, we have de-valued every material given to us. We have spent billions on expensive and dangerous medicines when cheap solutions are readily available because a patton cannot be obtained for exploitation. We have embraced deception and lies in order to put money in our pocket, for “views” are more important than “truth”.

A society that lies to itself cannot stand.

A society that discards its very life every few years has no history.

A society that doesnt care about it’s “stuff” soon doesn’t care about its citizens, as we have daily proof.

It is a natural progression.

Do I believe in “Gaia”? No. But I do believe in Stewardship. While the climate changes are in the hands of the Lord, and His anger heats the earth for judgment, I believe that poor stewardship is part of a larger whole of sin and corruption.

So the authors of a letter to Neuroendocrinology stated that a worldwide phenomenon of destruction occurs almost exactly every 500 years. The paper is very interesting related to the history of various civilizations and the Babylonian calendar of gods– the origin of the real interest in the occult “72”– in that they believed that 7 gods each ruled in turn for 72 years, which equals 504, and that is spot on the historical timelines. In the end, the authors can’t stomach the idea of powerful beings controlling events, so they end with a stupid suggestion is that it is “androgens”. No, it is El Shaddai who raises and destroys civilizations, with or without the ‘help” of the principalities and powers of the air. Their mode of operation is generally through natural disaster or warring factions; possibly the cyclic heating and cooling events cause a chain reaction. Yahovah allows this as He uses these events to accomplish His ultimate Will. The current cycle is at the very end, the start of which was around the year 1500. Since I don,t believe there is another 500 year cycle before Yeshua’s return, the Abyss should open very soon, if it has not already, thank you CERN, short for “Cernunnos”.


One comment on “Indictment against America: Wastefulness

  1. This society does not sound like a great place to be. Especially when you describe it. Frankly, the Lucifer thing and CERN would be terrifying if we were not looking forward to the King coming in all His glory. confessing….i do so miss the days when, as a bag boy at the grocery store, we got to eat everything that was damaged (too many Little Debbies), and send the wrappers/containers back to the company. At least someone got use of it. There is a “thing” among the Amish community for “Bent and Dent” stores, whereby one can purchase outdated products. It is, of course, at your own risk.

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