Tag Archive | editorial

“The Road of the Loving Heart”

After the death of Robert Louis Stevenson an interview of a Samoan chieftan was written around 1900 in Life magazine. Mr. Stevenson suffered from miliary TB and went to Samoa to ease his last days of suffering. He was so stricken over the plight of the people on this island that he used his resources and influence to […]

A Meal Divided Does Not Empty

have I have post Thanksgiving Hangover.  The bloated feeling the someone has mistakenly thought I was a turkey and stuffed me until I am  overflowing; the uncontrolled regurgitation of last night’s  repast;  the acidic, slightly nauseous lethargy;  the sick wish that I could get rid of a little of it; the idea that drinking a cup of coffee is a torture device […]

Thankfulness from the Heart

The title to this post is from a verse in the Book of Psalms.  As part of Thanksgiving folklore, we are told that the Pilgrims, a devoutly harsh and depressing Christian sect, sat down with people they did not like (yes, not very Christian of them) and ate the harvest bounty.  Later this story was immortalized with […]

My Sandy Vacation

I love Atlantis.  Saying that, it is not for the faint of heart, or thin of wallet. It is a huge for ultra-profit enterprise, but as long as you understand that the prices are four times what you expect to pay, and are willing not to be ticked off by it, then it is a […]