America’s Seven Deadly Sins: Part Seven

In the last post of this 7-part series, I say nothing that has not been said before, for Solomon tells us that there is truly “nothing new under the sun”, but in light of what I believe is a seven-year warning period that started with the “Great American Eclipse” in 2017, I say it at a time when I believe a great disaster is in our near future. My gut says 2024 based on the scriptures declaration that great signs will herald judgements from our Creator.  And what greater sign is an X written in the heart of ones’ nation on April 8, 2024, crossing an area where a great earthquake topographically altered millions of acres in 1811?

Did you know that the only other solar “x” over America was around 1806 and 1811? Can you believe that the intersection was also over New Madrid, and the first “New Madrid earthquake” started 3 months later? Can one wonder if this was Jehovah’s an early warning sign for the 1811 New Madrid earthquake along with the months long sighting of “Tecumseh’s Comet” (our current “Devil Comet” with a 71-year return cycle which also appeared in the 1882 Krakatoa “Year without a Summer” and, of course, 1811)? The First Nations’ tribes certainly took it that way, and in fact Tecumseh forewarned the tribes that if they did not band together and fight the colonial incursion, they would lose all. In the end, there was too much infighting, and they did not join together. The Colonialists won.

If this is a sign of judgment, I would consider a start 40 days after the event (around May 18) to be telling. If it is similar to the 1811 event, I would consider a start of signs 3 months later (around July 7) to be telling. Historical witness statements talk about sounds of booming, like thunder in the ground, around a year prior to the initial shock on December 1811.

Perhaps the First Nation squabbles and ultimate fracture is our warning now. If we don’t fight OUR incursion, we are lost. Frankly, my gut says any divine 7-year warning signs are more related to a “come-uppance” for the choicesmade by–and our inheritance of– of the entitlements and way of life brought to us by Colonialism. I see this X as both “X marks the spot” and a “cross my heart” promise. The curves, really a slash mark, are also reminiscent of a paper being marked off as “wanting”. So we are promised that, near or at the x, there will be an event because we have fallen short and found wanting. Time will tell.

The bigger question is, like Ninevah, do we have time to repent? The last catastrophic New Madrid 1811 event was 5 years after the “solar x”, so perhaps? I think the extra time from 1806 to 1811 was given to the First Nations in order to unite against the Colonialists, which they did not do. In any rate, get your house in order and work on your repentance. Tell others and pray that the Holy Spirit convicts hearts in the coming months.

Now to finish this series with the last of the seven that I felt compelled to write.

  1. Breaking of contracts 
  2. Global Theft of land, monetary systems and gold
  3. Oppression of certain people groups
  4. Rank immorality and depravity 
  5. Injustice
  6. Unsound mind
  7. Human sacrifice and bondage

Obviously, America is doing nothing that has not been done for millennia, except that abortion was unilaterally outlawed until about 100 years ago. Now it is nearly unilaterally legislated, although the pendulum is still swinging a bit. During modern times, while Soviet Union was the first nation to legalize in 1920, Iceland was the first legislation that “stuck” as Soviet Union legislation changed with regimes. Nor was America the first with birth control clinics. That goes to the Netherlands in 1882.

The Old and New Testaments don’t say much about abortion (implying that it is covered under murder) but it does discuss early birth related to injury to the mother. The OT law, found in Exodus 21, states: (Septuigint 2001translation.org)

‘If two men are fighting and [one] hits a pregnant woman and her child is born deformed as a result; he must be forced to pay whatever amount her man demands of him. (23) ‘But if the child is born perfectly formed [although injured], he must pay life for life, (24) eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, (25) burning for burning, wound for wound, whipping for whipping.’

There is no separate statute for intentional early birth as that is covered under the 10 commandments: DO NOT KILL

The first century Christian document “the Didache” is thought to be written between 65 and 80 CE. It defines in simple terms how to live as a follower of Jesus. The second section forbids abortion, unequivocally stating it as murder, and it is a good summation for what many followers of Jesus still practice today. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0714.htm

And the second commandment of the Teaching; You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adulteryExodus 20:13-14 you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not stealExodus 20:15 you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten. You shall not covet the things of your neighbour, Exodus 20:17 you shall not forswear yourself, Matthew 5:34 you shall not bear false witnessExodus 20:16 you shall not speak evil, you shall bear no grudge. You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued; for to be double-tongued is a snare of death. Your speech shall not be false, nor empty, but fulfilled by deed. You shall not be covetous, nor rapacious, nor a hypocrite, nor evil disposed, nor haughty. You shall not take evil counsel against your neighbour. You shall not hate any man; but some you shall reprove, and concerning some you shall pray, and some you shall love more than your own life.

Since Jehovah is unchangeable, what He considers wrongdoing in the past is still wrong today. And His judgment for wrongdoing will still apply to individuals and nations’ practicing actions’ that harm others. Many who are adherents of abortion don’t really understand that persons against abortion are trying to prevent this judgement from coming on ALL our heads. It isn’t just and individual corruption, it is a national and international corruption. Perhaps “climate change” is one such judgment. Unfortunately, scientists will fall under Jesus’ warning about corrupting the young, as spiritual consequences for actions will never fall within science considerations.

As to sacrifices, I do not have much to say outside of God forbid that these reports are true. I took some time to just think of a few of the reports I have seen in the last 10 years. These are some of my questions:

Where are the 150000+ migrant children lost in 2022? Are children really being sold on sites like Instagram and Facebook? How about Wayfair? The snope report on Wayfair (while “false”) is very interesting and certainly suggestive that not all is ok if children images come up on Yandex when the SKU is input. I personally saw a Wayfair pillow for over 13000.00 but I had to go through MANY pages to come to it (since removed). Snope never updated what Wayfair had to say about linens costing 10000-15000. To me, that is a big warning sign. “There is no fire without smoke.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wayfair-trafficking-children/

Are the rich and famous involved in human trafficking? Mr Combs is the latest undergoing investigation, and no charges have been filed. Is Jeffrey Epstein and friends unusual in their proclivities? Scientology child abuse? The CERN videos? What about Bohemian Grove? Is Fiona Barnett for real? Children killed for sport? Boys Town rapes and assaults? Are places like Provo Canyon School abusing teenagers as Paris Hilton claimed? The ever ubiquitous “adrenochrome”, testimony which comes up time and again from interviews of the famous and infamous? And, most worryingly, if someone as high profile as Earl Spencer was a victim of horrific abuse at his boarding school, what chance does the unknown child have at places like these?

In my own life, there were 6 attempts to fondle me by various persons. As a young child, I became very observant and when I sensed the intent I hid in the bathroom and locked the door yelling out ‘you are a bad man’. When older, I lucked out on a couple of occasions. Abuse and sexual abuse runs in both sides of my parents’ families. My parents were pretty vigilant, but they couldn’t be around all the time. And that is when pedophiles strike.

Honestly, the body of suspicion even with the above few questions reminding you of prior stories in the press suggests something rotten internationally, but unfortunately the main “evidence” is from survivor testimony. And survivors may have memories that are not accurate. (Although my memories are CRYSTAL clear on each event. It sears itself into your mind). So the only way is to catch the wrong in the act. As this is not typically feasible, without full surveillance, this will continue as long as people support the facility or orgainization.

So, maybe we need to re-think handing off our children to a caregiver without making sure that protocols are in place to safeguard them when they are alone or with one other person. One way would be for everyone to wear a GPS device that records where you were and who was around you. Have children wear a small video recording pin that any child can turn on to record what is happening. We have the technology to help reduce institutional wrongs if we think creatively. (We actually tried GPS locators at our hospital, and the head of my department ripped it off when he heard it had GPS. People behaving badly really don’t like to be pinned down by location.)

From early times

America has pretended

to clean its linen

while hiding the dirty laundry

in the basket

through the means

of secret knowledge

and secret acts.

Now the laundry

is overflowing,

and the dirty secrets

are spilling out the door.

Our washing machines

are broken,

and we are mired in filth.

And our children,

both the born

and the unborn,

pay the price.

At the end of this series, do you agree with me about what will happen to America (and others) if this continues? The scriptures declare that national judgment comes in phases, along with signs in the sky.  In broad terms they are:

  1. Climate change, often starting with drought or floods
  2. Fires, food instability and pestilence, a consequence of climate changes
  3. Unwise leadership
  4. Influx of foreign peoples, often for conquering
  5. Removal of nation/national identity, sometimes with complete destruction

To conclude, I have struggled with this series of posts, growing more depressed with each one. For I feel we are at number 5, ready for destruction. These posts certainly are not in-depth, yet my scratching at the surface indicate a steep slope of evil that oppresses my heart. While I feel helpless on a personal level, I know that darkness is dispelled by a tiny ray of light. May our light be radiant with repentance, prayer and a return to righteous living.

Other reading:



3 ex-Scientology workers sue, claiming they were subject to severe abuse

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America’s Seven Deadly Sins: Part Six

In a culture of “do what thou wilt” with a foundation of “the pursuit of happiness” can anyone wonder that America is a land foundering under its own depravity?  We are a double minded people caught up in the rat race of “getting ahead”, unable to understand Solomon’s concept of “nothing good under the sun” while flagrantly disregarding the Biblical wisdom of “money is the root of all evil”, yet ostensibly we live under a very moral code of laws in the Constitution.

Inherent in the culture promoted within the above, we have, over time, violated many of the rules for good living set down by the ancient Hebrews in their scriptures.  We have NOT learned that “do what thou wilt” (an ancient foundational philosophy of living re-popularized by Aleister Crawley in the early 1900’s), leads to heartache and misery.  The problem is, the heartache and misery are often shoved down the throats of the vulnerable, groups that Yahovah was particularly interested in protecting.

In this 7-part series, I say nothing that has not been said before, for Solomon tells us that there is truly “nothing new under the sun”, but in light of what I believe is a seven-year warning period that started with the “Great American Eclipse” in 2017, I say it at a time when I believe a great disaster is in our near future. My gut says 2024 based on the scriptures declaration that great signs will herald judgements from our Creator.  And what greater sign is an X written in the heart of ones’ nation on April 8, 2024, crossing an area where a great earthquake topographically altered millions of acres in 1811?

I will, admittedly briefly, review the following indictments, one post for each.  One can argue that these are all linked, yes of course they are, but I have a few specific points to share in each, and I believe these to be the most heinous of our crimes.  When reviewing the list below, what one should see is a pattern of evil that starts with our very earliest settlers; a rotten foundation cannot make for a long-lasting nation.

  1. Breaking of contracts 
  2. Global Theft of land, monetary systems and gold
  3. Oppression of certain people groups
  4. Rank immorality and depravity 
  5. Injustice
  6. Unsound mind
  7. Human sacrifice and bondage

Job 12: 23-25 He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away. He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth’s people And makes them wander in a pathless waste. They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.

Intelligence and wisdom are vastly different. One deals with the how and one deals with the why and when. One can have a blueprint for a master building, but one builds it at the right time in the right conditions using the right materials. Failure to meet all of these may get a building built, but may not get it to stand for very long if wisdom is not applied. Turkey has seen this to their loss, for how many buildings collapsed that did not need to because corners were cut? They did not have the wisdom, or the concern, to build a safe dwelling. Cutting corners is rarely wise, especially when safety is at stake.

We attempt to define wisdom through the separation of IQ and EQ. Intelligence quotient says I can solve this problem on paper. Executive function quotient says I can work with others to implement the problem in real life. Executive function attempts to quantify managerial functions that allow teams to work successfully through the domains of planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring actions and thoughts. There is wisdom in executive function but it has its limits as well. Neither addresses the concept of timing, or when to act and when not to act. One can plan and organize a wonderful project but implement it at the wrong time. It is this indefinable timing that makes wisdom something one cannot teach. Psychology tries to mimic wisdom with personality indicators but sensing the best timing and a person’s next steps is too individual to a given situation.

The OT law and Jesus sermon on the mount are textbooks to the start of wisdom. Yet the scriptures say that wisdom is more and that Jehovah gives wisdom as a gift if we ask for it. Solomon achieved long lasting fame due to his wisdom because he asked in a humble way, knowing he did not have the skills to lead Israel. Jehovah looks at each man’s heart for the reason for the request. Is it to benefit yourself or others? Solomon proved that his request was for the good of Israel and it was granted.

When a county starts to show signs of a lack of wisdom, one knows that its’ destruction is at the door. Many have questioned why Jehovah allowed Biden to lead this country. The answer is pretty obvious if one believes that Jehovah gives blesses nations with wise leaders. Wisdom tells us that unwise leaders=cursed nation.

Biden as president has led to a massive increase in the numbers of unknown persons crossing our borders. 

A lack of wisdom says “We need more people to pay into social security. Let’s let anyone come in who crosses the borders”. 

A lack of wisdom says “We need more democratic voters. If we let anyone cross our borders they will vote for us.”

Biden and his regime only see the need for low wage earners and for dumb puppets who can mark their name on a ballet. They do not see the repercussions of allowing untold numbers of persons in our doors who 1. will be mostly low wage earners 2. may not vote as projected 3.  will overwhelm our current systems 4. will increase crime on our citizenry (or be subjected to crime/slavery etc) 5. may be part of a coalition (IE: Chinese soldiers and their allies) gaining intel and positioning for a future attack, to name one of many outcomes. Biden doesn’t live with the ramifications of millions of people, a number of whom seem to be here to pillage sections of our country, or wanting a free ride in “Sanctuary” cities. Leaders of sanctuary cities did not count the cost of literally hundreds of thousands of people with their hand out defecating on their streets. These leaders are people with a serious lack of wisdom.

Biden as president has led to billions given in (or abandoned) military equipment to unstable regimes. Our technology is now their technology to be sold to the highest bidder. China anyone? We watch as our food plants go up in smoke, probably from those who entered our borders with a mission to destabilize our food production. And we are told, “nothing to see here” because a lack of wisdom is blinding those in power.

Again, I do think Jehovah is using Biden’s stupidity to give out our technology, to let in undocumented aliens, to destabilize our food supplies for purposes of His own. Time will tell but it will not be to our national good. Do we not see on nearly a weekly basis how Jehovah’s climate changes are causing havoc to all areas in America? We see but we do not understand. Wisdom is understanding what we see in spiritual terms. Jehovah as the Great Potter is breaking down our “national clay pot”. Will He build it back up or destroy it? Well, that is a wisdom-based question that we all should be asking right now. Wisdom tells us to turn from our evil and seek repentance, and Jehovah will relent. I hope He is remodeling our Pot, but I certainly don’t see the repentance needed to re-build us. We need to ask for national wisdom, for a repentant and humble spirit. Failure to do so will eventually lead to our destruction.

Biden certainly was not the first unwise leader we have had in this nation. That goes back for a long time in disastrous policy after policy. Our leaders have been in reactionary mode almost since our inception. For example: the question of what to do about the elderly in the 1930’s led to social security. But it did not lead to questions about the reliability of the system in the future. They just wanted a fix right now and therefore designed a fund that pays “now with later”. It did not consider population change or massive changes in standard of living. Our world is nothing like life in the 1930’s. Social Security should have been privatized to each citizen at its inception, with a portion to fund older workers and retirees paid through a tax until privatization could take over. Changes in population levels devastate the system set up as is, which we are seeing now that the baby boomers have hit the retirement age with much fewer working to fund it. One of the reasons for allowing in immigrants unchecked is in the hope that they will contribute. This is the wrong way to fix the problem. Congress had a chance to fix it with privatization, but their inertia was too great, and their collective wisdom was too little. ”Let the next group handle it” is an unwise policy. Our simple ancestors shared wisdom with a lot of sayings like “a stitch in time saves nine”. Fixing problems when they are smaller will prevent a larger loss.

The way bills and laws are handled is also unwise. Wisdom tells us to be honest and transparent. Each bill or law should stand on its’ own merit. Adding a lot of junk to satisfy the other side weighs down the issue at hand. This kind of bargaining is evil, and has allowed a lot of evil to slide in unobserved. 

The mess of the mid-east is a collective screw up by both Britain and the US back in the early part of the 20th century. We are not the only country with unwise leaders! Lying to the indigenous peoples of Palestine was a colossal error. Creating Israel was a huge screw up as we have lived to see. Jehovah did not promise continual war to a recollected Israel. We need to view this act as one forced by leaders and not sanctioned by Jehovah. Jehovah would not have required a sacrifice of 6 million Jews in order to create Israel! Remember, scriptural wisdom suggests that certain numbers are markers for the underlying influence. Jehovah considers “six” as “incomplete” or “deceptive”. One can see the influencer in the consequences of the action. The consequences of a re-unified Israel have not blessed the world. 

Nixon’s change in the gold system to fiat is now set up to collapse the economy worldwide. Economic systems built on speculation and words will eventually fail. In the end, though, Jehovah will use all of this bad to further His will. Pray for wisdom to see it.

One can see the serious nature of our collective lack of wisdom in the ideas that we have developed over the last 50 years. Ideas that no other nation in the known history of the world has ever developed, no matter how corrupt that nation. This alone should give us pause. We denigrate ancient people’s as less intelligent yet HOW they would laugh in amazement if they read any of our current bullshit. To deny one’s biology is to deny the very essence of our inner being! Every cell has male and female markers. One will always always be one’s birth gender no matter how many external body parts one removes. Those who think they can choose have closed off their minds to the testimony of our genetic code. What does that kind of thinking do to a person? I fear that we shall see, and this “unsoundness of mind” will be part of the explosive materials added to the bomb of our undoing.

Jehovah requires individual and national repentance. Without this we are doomed as a nation as we know it. The scriptures declare a promise and a warning: ”Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7). 

Then the Lord declares to Israel, “Can I not do with you as this potter has done? […] Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand…. At the moment I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, if that nation… turns from its evil (שׁב… מרעתו; shav… mera’ato), I will relent (נחמתי; nahamti) of the disaster that I intended to do to it. But if at the moment I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, [that nation] does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it” (Jer 18:5-10).

What do I believe will happen if we do not repent?  The scriptures declare that national judgment comes in phases, along with signs in the sky.  In broad terms they are:

  1. Climate change, often starting with drought or floods
  2. Fires, food instability and pestilence, a consequence of climate changes
  3. Unwise leadership
  4. Influx of foreign peoples, often for conquering
  5. Removal of nation/national identity, sometimes with complete destruction

Hebrews 6:7-8: “For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected [adókimos] and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned.

So….where do you think we are now in the list?  We should be afraid.  We all should be very very afraid.

“True, the white man brought great change.  But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening.  And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob and thwart, then what is progress?” (Chief Luther Standing Bear, 1933)

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America’s Seven Deadly Sins: Part Five

In a culture of “do what thou wilt” with a foundation of “the pursuit of happiness” can anyone wonder that America is a land foundering under its own depravity?  We are a double minded people caught up in the rat race of “getting ahead”, unable to understand Solomon’s concept of “nothing good under the sun” while flagrantly disregarding the Biblical wisdom of “money is the root of all evil”, yet ostensibly we live under a very moral code of laws in the Constitution.

Inherent in the culture promoted within the above, we have, over time, violated many of the rules for good living set down by the ancient Hebrews in their scriptures.  We have NOT learned that “do what thou wilt” (an ancient foundational philosophy of living re-popularized by Aleister Crawley in the early 1900’s), leads to heartache and misery.  The problem is, the heartache and misery are often shoved down the throats of the vulnerable, groups that Yahovah was particularly interested in protecting.

In this 7-part series, I say nothing that has not been said before, for Solomon tells us that there is truly “nothing new under the sun”, but in light of what I believe is a seven-year warning period that started with the “Great American Eclipse” in 2017, I say it at a time when I believe a great disaster is in our near future. My gut says 2024 based on the scriptures declaration that great signs will herald judgements from our Creator.  And what greater sign is an X written in the heart of ones’ nation on April 8, 2024, crossing an area where a great earthquake topographically altered millions of acres in 1811?

I will, admittedly briefly, review the following indictments, one post for each.  One can argue that these are all linked, yes of course they are, but I have a few specific points to share in each, and I believe these to be the most heinous of our crimes.  When reviewing the list below, what one should see is a pattern of evil that starts with our very earliest settlers; a rotten foundation cannot make for a long-lasting nation.

  1. Breaking of contracts 
  2. Global Theft of land, monetary systems and gold
  3. Oppression of certain people groups
  4. Rank immorality and depravity 
  5. Injustice
  6. Unsound mind
  7. Human sacrifice

The Pentateuch abounds with rules for recognizing injustice, administering justice and how to live a good (righteous) life. They are often given as “case examples” so, while most today do not have animals as transportation or livelihood, when one reads the rule for returning an owners’ animal if we find it lost, we can certainly substitute any item in its place; the rule being about returning items vs keeping them for ourselves. Many Christians today state that we are not under the law and that is true for the eternal penalty of sin. Jehovah sees two kinds of people: those who are spiritually dead and those who are spiritually alive. Jesus did not die to turn us from bad people into good, He died to turn our spiritual state of death into life. He fully kept the law, and instructed us that if we love Him to keep his commands. His commands included “thought sins” which could not be part of the Old Law but is integral to the New. The Law is still active in that it points us to what Jehovah considers sin both then and today. Jesus re-interprets the Law in His Sermon on the Mount, raising the mark of righteousness still further.

Matthew 5:17-22: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

So I could write ad nauseum on all the laws and how we mishandle them but I will comment on just two of them to give you an idea. How does America fare on just two items: murder and slavery?

Rule for murder:

Numbers 35:29-33: These are the rules of judgment that are to be used throughout all your generations and wherever you live. You must execute someone as a murderer whenever there’s enough evidence. But, one piece of evidence against a person isn’t enough to have him put to death. Also, you may not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer who has been condemned to death… He absolutely must die.  And you may not accept a ransom to keep a man from having to stay in a refuge city and live there until the death of the High Priest. So, you must not pollute the land that you live in with murder, because blood pollutes the land. And the only way that the land may be purged of shed blood is with the blood of the one who shed it.

So the murderer is to be put to death on the testimony of more than one witness. The penalty was spiritual land pollution which can only be purged by the blood of the guilty party. 

Until recently I thought our criminal system was the best in the world. We have so much data, so many forensic techniques, how can anyone be mistakenly accused? Then I started watching some documentaries on the problems in forensics, witness identification and our justice system. The misidentification issues alone are pretty horrifying, but add in sketchy forensic techniques (dental bites being one of the worst), “expert opinion”, police interrogations not intended to get to the truth, and the attitude of winning over accuracy, along with serious corruption, and one has a recipe for false accusations. 

So should an accused murderer’s blood be shed in order to prevent spiritual corruption of the land? In a just system that values accuracy, yes, Jehovah requires it. But certainly not if the justice system is not accurately identifying the accused! Inaccuracy in justice is a late sign of a corrupt nation, and Jehovah’s response is certain. Once the land is spiritually saturated with the blood of the innocent that society will be overthrown. How long do you think we have left?


Exodus 21:16: Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.

So, death was required for stealing someone and conscripting them to slavery. This does not include if the person was traded by his or her people as an act of justice or from war prisoners. The slave trade included all three. Both the person stealing and the person buying were to be put to death if the person was stolen. That puts the slave trade both now and then into an even more ominous light. Or at least it should. Physical death was required for this transgression. Nowadays it is “big business” but its’ secretive nature makes justice very difficult. Rumors abound regarding compounds and places all over America (and other lands) like Epstein’s island. Is this where the illegal children are being taken to? God forbid…..and my only consolation is that He keeps a record of injustice and He is the avenger of the innocent. For countries who partake in this injustice, there will at some point be a painful outcome. Of course, America is up to its’ throat with this sin……

Jehovah requires individual and national repentance. Without this we are doomed as a nation. The scriptures declare a promise and a warning: ”Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7). Then the Lord declares to Israel, “Can I not do with you as this potter has done? […] Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand…. At the moment I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, if that nation… turns from its evil (שׁב… מרעתו; shav… mera’ato), I will relent (נחמתי; nahamti) of the disaster that I intended to do to it. But if at the moment I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, [that nation] does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it” (Jer 18:5-10).

Along with repentance we need to clean up the justice system.  Identification research has proven that people dont remember details well, so line ups and the like should never be used as evidence for conviction. Forensics should be stringently evaluated for accuracy and no single forensic technique should be used for conviction. Current interrogation techniques bring about false information and people lie. The culture of wins in justice breeds a thought process that does not lead to accuracy. We need to develop a no tolerance policy for buying, selling or keeping people against their will. As to the darker rumors, of killing compounds. slave compounds and cannibalism, may these secrets come to light if true. Our response must be to give them the death penalty if proven beyond reasonable doubt to cancel the spiritual pollution.

What do I believe will happen if we do not repent?  The scriptures declare that national judgment comes in phases, along with signs in the sky.  In broad terms they are:

  1. Climate change, often starting with drought or floods
  2. Fires, food instability and pestilence, a consequence of climate changes
  3. Unwise leadership
  4. Influx of foreign peoples, often for conquering
  5. Removal of nation/national identity, sometimes with complete destruction

So….where do you think we are now in the list?  We should be afraid.  We all should be very very afraid.

Hebrews 6:7-8: “For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected [adókimos] and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned.

“True, the white man brought great change.  But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening.  And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob and thwart, then what is progress?” (Chief Luther Standing Bear, 1933)

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America’s Seven Deadly Sins: Part Four

In a culture of “do what thou wilt” with a foundation of “the pursuit of happiness” can anyone wonder that America is a land foundering under its own depravity?  We are a double minded people caught up in the rat race of “getting ahead”, unable to understand Solomon’s concept of “nothing good under the sun” while flagrantly disregarding the Biblical wisdom of “money is the root of all evil”, yet ostensibly we live under a very moral code of laws in the Constitution.

Inherent in the culture promoted within the above, we have, over time, violated many of the rules for good living set down by the ancient Hebrews in their scriptures.  We have NOT learned that “do what thou wilt” (an ancient foundational philosophy of living re-popularized by Aleister Crawley in the early 1900’s), leads to heartache and misery.  The problem is, the heartache and misery are often shoved down the throats of the vulnerable, groups that Jahovah was particularly interested in protecting.

In this 7-part series, I say nothing that has not been said before, for Solomon tells us that there is truly “nothing new under the sun”, but in light of what I believe is a seven-year warning period that started with the “Great American Eclipse” in 2017, I say it at a time when I believe a great disaster is in our near future. My gut says 2024 based on the scriptures declaration that great signs will herald judgements from our Creator.  And what greater sign is an X written in the heart of ones’ nation on April 8, 2024, crossing an area where a great earthquake topographically altered millions of acres in 1811?

I will, admittedly briefly, review the following indictments, one post for each.  One can argue that these are all linked, yes of course they are, but I have a few specific points to share in each, and I believe these to be the most heinous of our crimes.  When reviewing the list below, what one should see is a pattern of evil that starts with our very earliest settlers; a rotten foundation cannot make for a long-lasting nation.

  1. Breaking of contracts 
  2. Global Theft of land, monetary systems and gold
  3. Oppression of certain people groups
  4. Rank immorality and depravity 
  5. Injustice
  6. Human sacrifice

So what is “rank immorality”? I define, for this series, immorality as an act that harms people or society. Which is a pretty flimsy definition, but let us view what I have written below through this scope.

Is our name immoral? Well, this one is a kicker. What is wrong with America? It was named after some Italian right? Amerigo Vespucci? Some obscure explorer? Now think……does this make sense? Why the first name? If the first name, why not Amerigo or Ameriga? I read another account that seems much more fitting, and I strongly recommend reading it. The South American territory who worshipped the serpent feathered god “Amaru” was called ”Amaruca”. ”America” and “Amaruca” certainly are a closer match. Given that this was the Peruvian name of the entire territory under worship to this god, it makes sense to me that the “new land” would receive the same name. If true, to appease “Christian” settlers, a patsy with a similar prefix was chosen. It also makes sense that North America took the name originally used by South America and not the reverse. If that is the case, both North and South America are under the spiritual authority of the serpent god. Not a good place to be. So…is this immoral? It is if the underlying reason for the name America was a deception to the world. Is also suggests that a universal deceptiveness is the core of this nation since its inception. Your response is to determine if deceptiveness is a core problem in America.

Is the “American dream” immoral? The American dream is the idea of conquering ones’ personal world and creating happiness through individual wealth. It originated in a societal dissatisfaction in the frontier days, when “the grass may be greener” was the philosophy of the day, and people moved ever west to find a better spot to settle. The term “American Dream” was popularized by James Adams in 1931, saying that “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class. (“Lesson Plan: The American Dream”Library of Congress. Retrieved October 30, 2020.) ”Equal opportunity” sums up the American dream “in a nutshell”. But they forgot the last part…”according to achievement or ability”. We have moved the American dream to a numbers game, thinking that if one has the right numbers one has met the goal. Yet, an essential ingredient of Capitalism is….inequality! This is why the American dream is frustrating and not equally achievable. For this, along with the incorrect idea that “happiness” is found in wealth, I would say that the American dream is immoral in that it is dissatisfying to the masses, and not happiness-generating to the successful. Happiness as a concept is fleeting and transitory. It is JOY, a steady state, that should be sought.

Is our treatment of vulnerable groups (the elderly, children, minority groups to name a few) immoral? That is easy, Jehovah has already stated His position on this subject in the OT scriptures. The “blue zones” certainly give irrefutable proof that embracing and honoring ones’ older population is good for us. Jehovah promises greater years to those who honor their parents and we see evidence of this throughout the world in areas that follow this practice. America has given lip service and laws to the protection of vulnerable groups but these are threatened by the constant onslaught from people groups with a different agenda. Now we face an army of Pedophile perverts wanting to engage in acts with young unformed and immature minds and bodies. I would rather fight underage work any day than this horror. Again, sliding down the slope.

Culturally, white wigs were used as a European symbol of respect to the elderly. Prior to 1800, the elderly were generally viewed as a venerable population. Societies were generally stable without a lot of movement and cultural ties promoted by the old were valued. This started to change with migration, especially in America where new life required able bodies way more than stories of “long ago” and ties to ethnic culture. This was popularized by names like “old geezer” and “codger” and derogatory views immortalized by intellectuals such as Henry David Thorough’s elderly discourse in his famous book, Walden. Views of the elderly show changes over time from the 1800’s to the 1900’s in most articles and publications. The plight of the elderly during the depression was so bad that social security reform was developed to assist them. While that was “an answer” then, we have inherited the headache now because we as citizens did not have the ethos needed to care for our elderly. 

Is our “war mongering” immoral? War is not immoral per se, it is the reasons behind it that determine the morality of it. Certainly our Civil War was needed as other efforts to stop slavery failed. The Indian wars and injustices, on the other hand, were rankly immoral and strictly based on greed and Imperialism. In 2020, America has only had 15 years of peace out of 244 years as a nation. Of course, we say we are “helping”. Helping who? We are meddling, crafting, securing and furthering American interests. And nothing else.

Is manipulating ones’ population into war immoral? Certainly what happened at Pearl Harbor was immoral. The Powers That Be knew that a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was planned on Dec 7th. In order to force the American people into war, they moved most of the fleet away and left some of them there to be sacrificed. Certainly, they could have evacuated the military personnel off the ships and let the Japanese blow them to smithereens but that would have lessened the angst that America suffered in the aftermath. Americans demanded war due to the loss of life. As did America after “9-1-1”. One wonders if the Powers took an old trick out of our playbook for this as well. Certainly there are enough hints that all is not ok, especially with Tower 7.

Is performing large scale, dangerous research on ones’ population rankly immoral? I would say this meets criteria. Has this happened? The famous Tuskegee syphilis study on black men changed medical research ethics, but our government didnt get the memo. The Freedom of Information Act allowed citizen researchers to find strong evidence that our government authored and participated in a 30-year radiation experiment on American citizens without knowledge or consent. The efforts to bring this into the light was exposed in Richard Stockton’ 2016 article. 

Is government spending immoral? I would venture that we have NO IDEA what our dollars go to. For example, all the billons spent on NASA may have been for who knows what but this entire entity may be a deception. Oh, they put up rockets and some of the budget is for that. But what they claim and what they have accomplished are now in hot debate in some circles. (And this is a HUGE rabbit hole). Check out the article below this post. Sometimes, well, often, in true masonic tradition, acronyms have hidden meanings. I find it interesting that the acronym “nasa” in hebrew means to “take or lift up”. Both can certainly be true with regard to our NASA. Who the heck knows that the CIA does with its funding. Allegations that they are behind the drug trade are ongoing. What we know from history is that secret organizations with secret missions tend to be saturated with secret sins. And I know this as I am the daughter, granddaughter and niece of 32nd degree masons. I also venture that giving away billions to other countries when we are overloaded with poor and homeless is a violation of everything called Nation.

Are Petrodollars immoral? It is if it gives us an upper hand and lessons the ability of other nations to compete. Which it does in our current time. It made some sense when started, but history bears out how many good ideas often turn into sin and corruption due to bad players.

Is fiat currency immoral? When are paper walls on an air foundation ever a good way to build an economy? While America did not invent fiat (ancient China did back in the day) it was Nixon who squashed the gold backing of it, and we led others to do the same. Now our borrowing is near as high as the moon and the societal fallout will be painful for all. Technically it may not be immoral, but it is bad practice and we will only know this when the paper implodes into itself.

Is our stock market immoral? Investment is neutral in itself. It is what one invests in that shows your heart. Of course one may not know the secret practices of companies but Paul advises us not to be “unequally yoked” and that edict is not just for marriage. Any partnership is a yoking and that includes where one invests one’s money. Certainly the change in holding shares from a long period of time with slow and steady growth to the gambol of a quick return via “Daytrading” or the manipulation of stock price from insider trading or billionaire trickery is immoral. In order for someone to benefit in the market, someone has to lose. So, yes, I think our current investment system is rotten to the core.

Is the practice of laundering out company work immoral? The change from a loyal- employee-driven company to a profit-driven-company in the 1980’s (a result of economist Milton Friedman’s influence) has resulted in a love of money that ignors morality. Friedman stated that “the social responsibility of business is to increase it’s profits”. And we have seen the natural outcome of this philosophy, where the excellence of the product and employees are undermined in order to maximize the return. Rumors and evidence of slavery, terrible working conditions and abysmal wages to outsourced warehouses by American companies constantly striving for a better bottom line have been exposed again and again by the media. We truly have no real concept of what is going on behind the scenes of products we buy. Apple, anyone? To some extent, I don’t think the companies do either (perhaps on purpose) as long as they get their product made at the price they want……without the government and environmental controls. Yes, an end result of this kind of greed-driven philosopy is filthy rivers and ruined ecology. Outsourcing=loss of control and secrecy. And the product of any philosophy is the outcome to society and the environment. Unfortunately, not addressing this dangerous philosophy on a national and international level means that any effort to clean up our environmental impact is limited.

Is our justice system immoral? Laws are not inherently just. Laws are only words; they are not actions until implemented by someone with power. One can find injustice in any walk of life. But one does not expect it in the American justice system. Recent documentaries have raised the concern that the underlying code in courts is an attitude of winning vs an attitude of accuracy. One group who has been fighting this attitude for over 40 years is the Innocence Project. I dont think the Innocence Project would have been a successful entity without injustices imposed by those who are the gatekeepers of implementation, IE: the courts. A perusal of NETFLIX documentaries is enough to make one consider that there is something rankly unjust in the hearts of those with the power to implement it. Watch NETFLIX “The Innocence Files” to get an idea. It is estimated that four percent of persons in our prison system are innocent, or something near 15000 persons. This is insane. The justice system and standards for promotion/raises must prioritize “accuracy” over “wins” for it’s prosecutorial staff, and implement a more team-like approach with the defense lawyers, moving their operational mores from “us vs. them” to “let’s find justice together”. For who benefits outside of the scorecard? And at what cost to the American people and to justice for the victims?

Is exporting American culture immoral? I keep going back to the amazing words of Chief Luther Standing Bear in 1933: “True, the white man brought great change.  But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening.  And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob and thwart, then what is progress?”

Let’s talk about a holiday that America did not author but we have turned it into an unholy mess of manic consumerism. Yes, Christmas, the highly colored and inviting holiday that has stickered Jesus’ “birthdate” to an ancient pagan celebration called, in Roman times, Saturnalia. Our manic Christmas celebrations, rooted in the love of the temporal and transient, leads to high expectation, euphoria, disappointment, exhaustion and depression. Jesus invited us to “rest in Him” and “take His yoke for it is light”. Every single “Christmas tradition” we celebrate has a pagan history to it that immigrants brought over with them when they migrated to this land. Birthday celebrations themselves are pagan traditions not celebrated in ancient Hebrew religion. This is why Jesus’ birthdate was not given in the NT! So why am I picking on this holiday? Because it is a litmus test for much of our culture. Our selfish, individualistic, ME centered, money loving, happiness worshipping culture that we have exported throughout the world. We are so steeped in it that even the most fervent of Christians are drowning in it. Lord lift us out of it!

Has our music, media and entertainment slid into rank immorality? Just watch or listen to something from the 1940’s and then re-watch and listen to something each decade on and it is self-evident. When one throws in the horrors of the “me too” movement initiated by American actresses; the patsy of power hungry producers like Harvey Weinstein– allegedly the crown in an enormous iceberg; indoctrination of entertainers into the “one eye” movement; allegations by some “in the business” of ritual torture, rape and sacrifice in order to achieve fame; it all stinks to heaven. Which may be the point. Vigilantcitizen.com has more than you will ever want to know on this topic. I suggest you get an idea of the scope for yourself.

Are our charities immoral? What a strange question. Yet, often one finds that a charity business plan is centered around a small amount of money going to a good idea and the rest funding the organization. A hint that all is not right is “mail bullying”. Any charity that sends multiple requests with large amounts of marketing is suspect. Again, follow the money.

This is just a small sampling to make my point that the nation of America is very ill and has been so since the start. There are many more immoral problems, but they are fights that are known entities. Much of this list has been forgotten as we drown in the quicksand of its legacies.

In my prior articles in this series, I outlined what we could do to reverse some of our mistakes and “make it right”. As I read Part Four over, I was so depressed, because what I have stated is only what can be seen. I know that there are deep and hidden sins that we dont know. So all I can say is: please pray for the light to shine on these deep hidden sins, bring them to light. Share awareness of our wrongs, either through this series or others that you have read. Bringing it to the light is the first step.

I think step two is to use the opportunity when a national sin does come to light. Bring it to the attention of your local politicians and pastors. Share it with others and determine what you can do on a personal level. If you head a company, know who is making your product. Be good to your employees. Life and success are not all about the bottom line. 

In the end, our culture must change. And we must nationally repent. I do see some change, but it seems that the same thing is happening only flipped now. White man bad. No, all men are inherently evil and the color of one’s skin and hair do not determine morality.

What do I believe will happen if we do not repent and change?  The scriptures declare that national judgment comes in phases, along with signs in the sky.  In broad terms they are:

  1. Climate change, often starting with drought or floods
  2. Fires, food instability and pestilence, a consequence of climate changes
  3. Unwise leadership
  4. Influx of foreign peoples, often for conquering
  5. Removal of nation/national identity, sometimes with complete destruction

So….where do you think we are now in the list?  We should be afraid.  We all should be very very afraid.





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America’s Seen Deadly Sins, Part Three

In a culture of “do what thou wilt” with a foundation of “the pursuit of happiness” can anyone wonder that America is a land foundering under its own depravity?  We are a double minded people caught up in the rat race of “getting ahead”, unable to understand Solomon’s concept of “nothing good under the sun” while flagrantly disregarding the Biblical wisdom of “money is the root of all evil”, yet ostensibly we live under a very moral code of laws in the Constitution.

Inherent in the culture promoted within the above, we have, over time, violated many of the rules for good living set down by the ancient Hebrews in their scriptures.  We have NOT learned that “do what thou wilt” (an ancient foundational philosophy of living re-popularized by Aleister Crawley in the early 1900’s), leads to heartache and misery.  The problem is, the heartache and misery are often shoved down the throats of the vulnerable, groups that Yahovah was particularly interested in protecting.

In this 7-part series, I say nothing that has not been said before, for Solomon tells us that there is truly “nothing new under the sun”, but in light of what I believe is a seven-year warning period that started with the “Great American Eclipse” in 2017, I say it at a time when I believe a great disaster is in our near future. My gut says 2024 based on the scriptures declaration that great signs will herald judgements from our Creator.  And what greater sign is an X written in the heart of ones’ nation on April 8, 2024, crossing an area where a great earthquake topographically altered millions of acres in 1811?

I will, admittedly briefly, review the following indictments, one post for each.  One can argue that these are all linked, yes of course they are, but I have a few specific points to share in each, and I believe these to be the most heinous of our crimes.  When reviewing the list below, what one should see is a pattern of evil that starts with our very earliest settlers; a rotten foundation cannot make for a long-lasting nation.

  1. Breaking of contracts 
  2. Global Theft of land, monetary systems and gold
  3. Oppression of certain people groups
  4. Rank immorality and depravity 
  5. Injustice
  6. Unsound mind
  7. Human sacrifice

America is certainly not the author of oppression and “skin color preference”. The Bible records an argument in Numbers 12:1, where Miriam, sister of Moses, complains about Moses’ choice of a Cushite wife. While we don’t know the reason for her discontent, one can surmise that the culture or skin color difference was a possibility. In any case, Yehovah punished Miriam with leprosy, which should give us pause when denigrating anyone for a physical characteristic. The nations produced by Abraham have been in constant conflict from their earliest times. The silly thing is, one can markedly change one’s skin color within 2 generations. Just look at Patrick Mahomes’ children. Would you think they had a black grandpa? But they are just as much his grandkids with his DNA. I have seen brother and sister look completely different. One Polynesian like her dad, one European like this mom. Skin color is a poor reflector of DNA.

We know that the early Colonial settlers started the practice of oppression within a few years of the discovery of the “new world”. Scientists and anthropologists, using Darwin, Mendelian genetics and comparative anatomy, taught that Africans were inferior in intellect and traits. Some taught that they were not human, not pure human, based on physical characteristics, which, while not justified, at least provides an explanation of the barbaric behavior of slavers and slaveholders.

Further, religion had a hand in denigrating the African with the Cain theory. They thought that Cain mated with a pre-Adamic race, thus producing the African. What produced the different skin colors is micro-evolution. People who migrated north made less melanin so they could absorb enough vitamin D and vice versa. Dark skinned people have a superpower. They can tolerate heat and they can be out in the sun for long times without severe sunburn. Northern Europeans do not thrive in heat and strong sun. Their superpower is that they don’t need a lot of sunlight to make adequate amounts of vitamin D. The agricultural system in Colonial America needed a lot of workers suited for a hot climate and strong sun. It made sense to use people suited for the working environment but how they were obtained is an abomination even given the false science and religious climate of the day.

And it is this lingering disrespect that probably underlies the “Jim Crow” laws after the Constitutional amendments freed all persons. If one still views the African as a “non-person” then this prejudice will transfer to local laws.

Nothing, not man or beast, should ever be treated with the level of disrespect showed the Africans. Worse, it appears that at least some Africans knew Hebrew, and recorded it in at least one pew in Georgia. The Western Africa area is listed as “Juda” on ancient maps. It certainly makes sense that a portion of Jewish people fled to Africa during the destruction of the temple. For those who give weight to Moses’ warnings in Deuteronomy 28:49, the Africans are well placed to be some of the Israelites who experience the horror of a nation who will “will come from the ends of the earth, like fast flying eagles. You wont understand their language and they will be a fearsome people who won’t respect your old or pity your young.”

The Indian was viewed slightly better, but not much. They were “savages”. Yet there was also a long-lived discussion over the possibility that they, and the Indigenous people of South America, were derivatives of the “Lost Israelites”. Indeed, a report from a Jewish explorer stated that some South American tribes knew a spattering of Hebrew and had names that were Hebrew. The idea is made stronger by the reports from Polynesia explorers like Samuel Marsden, who felt that the tribes found on the many islands were Hebrew in origin. In spite of this discussion, the First Nations were humiliated and conquered. Their humiliation and despair continue to this day.

America’s occupation of Haiti, resulting in massacre and outright thievery, is a great example of our tyrannical policy when we feel threatened. History records the underlying reason as outright greed, spearheaded by the National City Bank of New York, who essentially took over the Bank of Haiti and instilled the new Bank of the Republic of Haiti, and in 1914, US Marines removed Haiti’s gold reserves.

These are but 3 of many examples, and I dont need to justify that this belongs on the list of offenses. So what do we do about it? I think America has been very aware and has made many policy changes, some good and some bad. These are quick thoughts and I do not believe the effort is one sided. Our dark skinned citizens have a lot of cleaning up to do on their end as well.

  1. The Bible tells us to “consider the poor”. This means to carefully consider the reasons for their poverty and work to reverse it. Here is one example: I cared for minority moms as a nursing student. It was not unusual to see multiparous teenage black moms. I actually cared for an unwed 24-year-old having her SEVENTH child. Unwed motherhood is a one-way ticket to poverty. Parents and schools need to drill in the financial loss over a lifetime related to unwed motherhood in teenage girls. What we did was subsidize unwed motherhood for all, and many unwed mothers monetized it.
  2. The Jim Crow laws ended in 1965. I would love to see a compensation plan developed to put in some seed money in a retirement account to all American citizen black workers who were born prior to 1965 so they can use it for their old age. Since they grew up in an oppressed age, they deserve recompensating. The present generation is well protected but the elderly are vulnerable.
  3. For the Indian, we need to start at the broken contracts and ask them their thoughts on compensation. Then follow through on it.
  4. For Haiti, give them back their gold!
  5. In order to “move on”, we need to develop color blindness for true equal opportunity by starting with the job application and hiring process. Stop policies that reward the mediocre. For example, my husband could not pursue his top two occupation choices due to discrimination policy. My husband has a Mensa IQ, and got a 97% on the Air Traffic Controller Entrance Exam but he was not picked because up to 20 points were added to any black person’s entrance exam. Meaning that anyone getting over an 80 would be preferred to him. I for one would prefer the sharpest and the brightest to be controlling an airplane 40000 miles in the air. So some of these policies are not the safest.
  6. In turn, oppressed peoples need to reverse the statistics as authors and initiators of the majority of crime. Money does not make you moral. Often it is the opposite. Get your house in order! Men, marry your women and put your family first! Stop stealing and murdering! Stop loving the world and its’ treasures! Show the world your best side.
  7. There needs to be a culture adjustment in many of the minorities. If you value “Getting ahead”, you will need to sacrifice your free time in the best years of your life. Dont spend your lot of designer stuff and fancy hairdo’s. That stuff will suck you dry. You know how my dad got money for my college? He started when we were in pre-school by sending us to the best places he could afford and telling us daily how much it meant to him. When I was 9 years old, he spent two years away from us working in Saudi Arabia then invested it all in a college fund. We were working poor, and my dad was determined to send us to college. He sacrificed “the good life” because watching us walk down the aisle with a diploma was that important to him. My earliest memories were about the importance of education. Parents, have a vision, impress it on your children and work toward it.
  8. Politically, America needs to keep their nose out of other people’s business. Unless asked. Period.




