Tag Archive | poem

Ode to the Burp we Slurp

I “created” this as a dare during a dinner with my daughter and her slightly mental best friend.  As I get along better with the slightly mental best friend (now named SMBF), I dont know what that says about myself….or my daughter….anyway, after an almost-fall-off-my-seat gustatory explosion, I was dared to write an Ode within […]

Ode to the Middle Aged Size of my Thighs

There is a body part I do not prize and that is the lumpy size of my thighs! For while getting older makes one wise, it spreads the body to an ever larger size. My thighs always won the humor prize, with varicose veins as fat as French fries. And no matter how many stairsteps […]

Span (Reverse Nonet)

For Voices of Poetry and Prose photo prompt Mondays:  Read the below, can you guess what it is? Go look at Kira’s blog and see if you were right!  🙂  Then go to my other blog and see my OTHER poem! LOL, I had time on my hands today at the orthodontists’ office….. Brick fortress! […]

Lifeless Corpse (Haiku)

Life cut short, we mourn your rejection of His Grace. Saturating tears ************** Hell’s fire, treasure yours Hindsight seizes inner thoughts: Could I have said more? *************** Witnessed chance now lost Those hesitant moments passed! Your soul the true cost I have periods where I feel terrible about my poor witness for my faith.  Lost souls haunt me […]

Drip Drop

Drip drip drop I have nasal showers;  it’s really not embarrassing at all ◊ Drip drip drop this flow is powered similar to the flow of Nigeria falls 🙂 ◊ Drip drip drop and the allergic flowers haven’t even made their first seasonal call ◊ Drip drip drop it flows hour by hour;  I look […]